A Call To The Remnant

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Archive for August, 2017

The hidden riches of darkness

Posted by appolus on August 31, 2017

I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. (Isa 45:2-3)

If the attitude is right, if in the depths of darkness we search out the Lord, we cry out to Him, we begin to praise Him, then we shall see the “treasures of darkness.” I often think about Paul and Silas in the depths of the dungeon, having that very day been scourged, how they began to praise God in the midnight hour. Down came the power of God and shook the whole building, the cell doors were opened and chains of the captives were broken as the light of Christ penetrated the darkness. Perhaps darkness has enveloped you today, can I suggest that the prayers and the praises of the saints and the Blood of Christ our Lord breaks every chain. We overcome the forces of darkness by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and the fact that even when faced with death, we shall praise Him.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, The presence of God, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | Leave a Comment »

We are a starved generation!

Posted by appolus on August 29, 2017

We are a starved generation that has never seen the glory of God. We have men and woman in their 20s and 30s who have never seen the glory of God. They’re Christians, they’re in Bible schools, but they have never seen the glory of God. They have never known what it is to be in a service where the presence of God is so awe-inspiring that you cant speak aloud.

They have never heard God preached about so high and lifted up that they went home in silence and wouldn’t talk. When A.B.Simpson preached in Buffalo, New York, he preached on the glory of Jesus Christ and when he was finished , they dismissed the meeting and no one got out of their seats. They sat there because they were afraid to get up and walk around in the presence of God. But a whole generation of young people have never seen anything like that. “Oh God restore thy glory by whomsoever thout wilt restore thy glory.” (A.W.Tozer-Fellowship of the Burning Heart)

Tozer was writing about the problem of the age. Can I suggest that it is a deeper problem today. The departed presence of the Living God from Christendom is now almost complete. The stage is set. We have louder more professional music. We can get people to jump up and down. We can turn the lights down, we can have laser shows and dry ice to create smoke and try and conjure up something that resembles the Spirit of God, but God is not conjured up, He is called down.

The Living God is found among the humble and the contrite and the lowly in spirit. He is to be found in the silence and the quietness that accompanies a heart that longs to be found by Him. As the deer pants for the waterbrooks so must our souls longeth after Him. It is the truly hungry that finds a table set before them. It is the truly thirsty that finds living waters flowing from a river that makes the heart glad.

All of this is true personally and corporately. My suggestion is that you dismiss all of your professional “worship leaders.” Call for silence from the congregation. Let them wait upon the Lord to move. Empower them to stand up and begin to sing as they are led by the Spirit. As He lays a song upon their heart then let the congregation join in worship. Now brothers and sisters, the Lord is your worship leader. As you allow the Lord Jesus to be preeminent, then you will see the Spirit of God move among His people. They will not be entertained, they will be captivated by the power of His presence and they will be awe-struck.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, The presence of God, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 3 Comments »

The terrible doctrine of the Remnant – A.W.Tozer

Posted by appolus on August 26, 2017


By A.W.Tozer. From a previously unpublished essay and now in “Reclaiming Christianity.” It was read out on our prayer call last night. http://www.box.net/shared/oe47j3glqb

Rom 9:27 Isaiah also cries concerning Israel, “though the numbers of the sons of Israel is as the sands of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.’

I want to articulate a doctrine in the Bible that is very troubling and alarming. I am very much afraid that the Bible is a more alarming book than we know .Before I explain what I mean, I would like to read the words of a hymn. I love this hymn from Edwin Hodder (1837-1904) about the Word.

The Word is like a garden , Lord
With flowers bright and fair;
And everyone who seeks may pluck
A lovely cluster there.
Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine;
And jewels rich and rare
Are hidden in its mighty depths
For every searcher there.

Thy Word is like a starry host;
A thousand rays of light
Are seen to guide the traveler
And make his pathway bright.
Thy Word is like an armory
Where soldiers may repair.
And find, for life’s long battle day
All needful weapons there.

All of that is true. I enjoy hearing that song and I enjoy singing it. However, I am a little bit afraid that that is the attitude we take toward the Scriptures-that it is a beautiful jewel to wear on or around our neck or our finger, or corsage to wear at some dress up occasion where the star shines on it; that it is fragrant. It is all that. But it is something more than that, and in our simple elegance, I am afraid we are not letting the Word of God mean to us what it ought to mean. Whatever the educators may be saying, whatever the current religious vogue may be, here is doctrine clearly taught in the Scripture,, which cultists have mis-read and have wrested to their own destruction. For every cultist says ” We are the people.” But I refuse to reject the doctrine because somebody else has wrested the doctrine to his of her own destruction. I have neither starry hopes for you to admire nor posies for you to smell; but what I do have is a terrible doctrine that hurt and bothers and makes me sorrow in spirit. It is the doctrine of the Remnant.

Only a Fragment

What is the doctrine of the Remnant? It is simply this; that in our blind, fallen, sinful world of mankind, at any given time, the vast overwhelming majority is lost. And by lost, I do not mean they have missed their way or come short of the mark or are less that they wanted to be or fail to fulfill their dreams. By lost I mean, alienated from God and an enemy to Him, without pardon, without life, without hope. What does the doctrine of the Remnant mean? “Remnant,’ means a small fragment, a surviving trace. It means that some-thing yet remains when the larger body is somewhere else. The Romans 9:27 text deals with Israel, but it sets forth clearly the doctrine as applying to the entire human race as well as the Church. This was true among the nations before Abraham; it was true of Israel after Abraham; and it is true of the Church since Pentecost. I am alarmed because it has been true since Pentecost that such a vast number of people who call themselves Christians-the overwhelming majority-are nominal, and only a remnant is saved.

Look at some of the examples in the Bible. Jesus said, ” And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man( Luke 17:26) According to the Scripture, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and there were seven other members of his family that were saved out of the whole population. I do not know what the population was, but I know at the time of the flood that there were eight persons saved out of a whole population. And I know that it is written that as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man. Somebody says, ” Mr Tozer, your taking it too seriously. Don’t you remember when Elijah felt the way you feel and Elijah said,” Oh Lord, I alone am left,” and God said ” Cheer up, Elijah; I have news for you. Seven thousand are in Israel that have not bowed their knees to Baal nor to his image.” That sounds like a lot. Isn’t that encouraging knowing that in Israel 7000 true Jews did not bow their knees to Baal?

Allow me to indulge in a little speculation. Suppose the population of Israel at the time was 7 million. I think that is a very conservative count. That would mean one tenth of 1 per-cent had not bowed their knee knees to Baal, and all the rest had. It would mean 1 in 1000. If you were to take at that time 1000 Jews, 999 of them secretly bowing the knee to Baal to keep out of trouble, and only one man stood boldly. But suppose for the sake of absolute fairness we cut the population in half, and say there were only 3.5 million. Then the ratio is 1 in 500. Every time you saw a synagogue or a building with 500 Jews reading the Torah or listening to the chant of the Priests, you had 499 secretly following Baal and 1 was saved. Remember, at Christ’s first coming there were only a few that that recognized Him. We take it for granted, just as Israel did, that when Messiah came they would know it.

They believed just what Samson believed when he went to sleep in the lap of Delilah. He believed that he was well set for life and that he had some experience in religion, and therefore there was nothing to worry about. But when he awoke, he found out that he had been captured, and his eyes were soon put out, and he was grinding, at the mill and they were making sport of him in the name of a false god. He took himself for granted, which always is a bad and dangerous thing to do.

Either we take ourselves for granted and have a sham peace or we get disturbed and then we pray through and find true peace. Most believers take themselves for granted and have a false peace. If they did what the Bible taught, they would be bothered and alarmed about themselves and would go to God with an open Bible and let the Bible cut them to pieces and put them together again, then give them peace. And the peace they had when they had been chopped to pieces by the Holy Spirit and the Sword of the Spirit-that peace, then, is a legitimate peace. There are two kinds of tranquility, and do not forget it. Well, maybe there are three kinds now. There;s the kind that you buy in bottles, and then there’s the kind that you get from taking yourself for granted and believing good things about yourself that is not true. That brings a certain tranquility to the mind.

Then there is the tranquility that comes following a disturbance of the soul that shakes it to its foundations and drives the man or woman to God with an open Bible to cry ” Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts” (Ps.139:23) Then when God does that, we have an experience with God that gives us tranquility grounded upon the Rock. But with most Evangelical Christians today, their leaders go outside to bring them tranquility.


The first offer from the Lord is not tranquility at all. The Lord at first offers us deliverance, forgiveness, renewal and making things right; and following that comes tranquility. But we are marketing tranquility now, selling it like soap, and asking our people in the name of John 3:16 to come and get tranquilized. And so we have tranquilized the Church that is enjoying herself immensely at banquets and times of fun and coffee-klatches and fellowships. Then she is singing about the Lord, “Thy Word is like a Garden Lord.” I only call attention to ti because there is a danger that we make the Word of God to be something to give us tranquility. The wings of the churches, the ones that left open all day in the busy sections, you will find people come in and sit down. They do it, as the poet said, ” To invite their souls and call in their thoughts of home and abroad and get still.”

Businessmen and advertising men do that, and mystics from India and from Burma do that. That is not necessarily a Christian thing. It is a good thing, but it is not enough. We gear our services to tranquilize people and paralyze them. We ought to be alarmed by this doctrine of the Remnant. We ought not to allow ourselves to take ourselves for granted. We ought to be alarmed about it. Paul was troubled about this and wrote ” But I keep under my my body, and bring into subjection; lest by any means when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway” (1 Cor 9:27) I have known preachers that preached a lifetime and ended up telling dirty stories-ended up being dirty, filthy old men. It is entirely possible for us to teach Bible school and be board members and sing in choirs and take part in church services and then finally find out that we are castaways and have never been of the Remnant at all. That is an alarming thing, but I do not apologize for alarming you. I am afraid that we are not alarmed enough. We ought to be disturbed about this, for it is summed up in the text ” Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sands of the sea, a remnant shall be saved” ( Rom 9:27)

There were a few friends of God during Jesus’ time, but when we think that the population of Jerusalem alone at the time of the Passover was a million, and that at Pentecost there was also a million people in that city but only 3000 were converted, we say ” What a vast harvest that was.” Well 3000 out of 1 million is not a vast harvest in my opinion. I wonder if there has ever been a time when there was a vast harvest. I know it was said of Scottish missionary John G. Paton (1824-1907) that he went to the New Hebrides and found not a Christian, and when he left, there was not a heathen. But I have always crossed my fingers when I read that statement because it is not according to the doctrine of the Remnant. For the doctrine of the Remnant is ” though the number of the religious people should be as the sands of the sea, only a remnant shall be saved.” It is not that they could not be, it is not that God does not want them to be, it is just that they are not.

When Christ came, there were shepherds and wise-men. And we hear about these friends of God, we are glad for them. But the point is, they were typically a small percentage of the whole. Well then, at the second coming of Jesus, He says ” And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” ( Matt 24:12) It does not say the love of many only, but every student of Greek will tell the same thing. There is an article, a positive definite article in there: “the.” The specific ability to love shall wax cold. And Jesus said ” Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) He did not say that He will not find faith, but He said, “Shall He find faith on the earth?” So at the second coming of Christ, it will be as it was in the days of Noah; and in those days, Noah, the eighth person, was saved by water, by the ark. The rest of the population drowned. If you still want more support for the doctrine, read Church history. A small fragment, a surviving trace, always kept the faith while others took things for granted.


Do you know what is wrong with us as a Church today? We are taking ourselves for granted. We are assuming that which may not be true at all; that which is founded upon wishful hoping and not upon sound Biblical experience in many cases. We have not been disturbed enough. We have not allowed God to plough furrows on our backs. We have not dared to go before God and have the examination made. We are afraid of what God will find , and we would rather wait. Therefore we have waited and settled down. There has always been a small remnant and they have been in the midst of all the rest. A million might wish with their lips and worship with their lips, but only a small fragment truly worship in their hearts in a way that honors and pleases God. We do not need to imagine it as an indication of vast spiritual or high degree of holiness when we see a church door open and multitudes spew out on the sidewalk. Follow them home. Follow them a half a block and see how they live. That is the way to tell. “Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them’( Matt 7:20)

Ask them to lead in prayer. Announce a prayer meeting and see how they will leave. Announce a banquet and see how they will come. In the church of God the ” stop and go,” signs are these: When it says go, “Banquet”; when it says stop ” prayer meeting.” The church of God follows it and we smile about it, but it is an alarming thing. I do not want to come before the Lord having soothed and petted people into some false sense of smug spiritual security. Read church history and see the fragments, or the remnant, that lived in the midst of it all. Read about the Waldensians and the Friends of God and the Brethren of the Common life and how few there were but how many went to church. It is possible to worship God with our lips and not worship God with our lives. If your life does not worship God, your lips do not worship God either.

I am troubled about all the people I see singing Handel’s Messiah, especially during Easter season, without having the remotest notion of what it is about. They will stand up and sing, “Come unto Him, come unto Him,” and they will not have any idea what it means. When Handle wrote it he said ” When I was through, me thought I saw heaven open and all the angels of God gathered.” That is how he felt. But many of us sing it and only enjoy it as music. We can come, sing hymns in church and only enjoy the dignity of the music as a relief from rock ‘n’ roll. Read about the remnant 600 years before Christ was born in Ezekiel 9:1-6. We say, :begin in the Kremlin, O God begin in the Kremlin and destroy those godless wretches.” God days, “Begin at my sanctuary.”

We say ” Go to the church where the pastor denies the Bible and had nothing to preach but poetry.” God says ” Begin at my Sanctuary.” But He says ” Look out for the mark on the forehead.” That indelible mark. He sent the man with the linen with an inkhorn, indelible ink, and said, ” Go mark them, mark them.” Which ones will I mark? The ones that stand and pray the longest? The ones that give the most to missions? ” No, no,” He says, ” that is not the test. Here is the test in a day of corruption: those who sigh and cry for all the abominations that are coming in the midst of Jerusalem.”

That is all they have to do. Some things are like a wave on the sea. You can stand, and Paul himself could not shout it back, for it would engulf him. But you do not have to get the mark of the remnant on your forehead, you do not have to succeed, and you do not have to be popular. You only have to sigh and cry for the abominations that are taking place in the earth today. I cannot stop people from doing what they are doing, but at least I can grieve because they will not stop; and I am going to do that. I am going to let my tears water the footsteps of those who go astray. . And when the churches will not come back to the New Testament standards and worship the Lord our God in the beauty of Holiness, if I cannot make them do it or persuade them to do it in this awful hour of crisis, at least I can weep because they will not come. And I can sigh if I cannot weep.

I do not know what the future holds. But I know one thing: Rather than betray the sheep of God, rather than lie to them and deceive them and keep them agitated and stirred up with all kinds of popular topics; rather than take my material from Time magazine, I’ll preach the Word of God to empty seats and sigh and cry for the abominations that is in the earth.

So God says ” Begin with my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house” (Ezek 9:6) Sounds like these young people are the trouble. These young people are filled lust and wild ideas; but the Scriptures say, begin with the ancient men, which are before the house. “These old bearded pillars of the church,’ says the Holy Spirit, begin with them. ” And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and cried , and said, Ah Lord God! Wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem?” (Ezek 9:8)

If the evangelical church, the fundamentalist believing Church, will not accept this, then I can at least sigh because they will not, and cry to God because they do not.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, The presence of God, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | Leave a Comment »

No revival will save this nation.

Posted by appolus on August 25, 2017

Jehovah rides upon a swift cloud. There is no revival that will save this nation. The fate of this nation is something quite separate from the fate of Christendom. When it comes to judgment, one is judged by whom that one associates himself with. Those who find themselves in the presence of Almighty God will very naturally be separate from those who associate themselves with the world and all of its ways. We see this playing out before our very eyes as denomination after denomination bow down before the gods of this secular world. And so, in the end, it will all come down to who you bow down to. A genuine saint will never bow down to the gods of this world and by refusing to do so, will incur the wrath of those who do, especially the wrath of those who are part of Christendom. They will hate them with a perfect hatred because they expose their truly secular hearts and desire to please this world and their gods.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 1 Comment »

The Gospel of glory.

Posted by appolus on August 23, 2017

“Lest the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ.” (2 Cor 4:4)

This portion of Scripture is from 2 Cor 4 verse 4. I want to focus on “The Gospel of the glory of Christ.” What is the Gospel of the glory of Christ? We know that the word Gospel means good news, so we could say it is the good news of the glory of Christ. Do you know the glory of Christ? If the good news itself is about the glory of Christ, can you share the Gospel if you yourself have not experienced the glory of Christ? And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one (Joh 17:22) Jesus is saying that His glory comes from the Father and that He has given us this very same glory. And why? So that we may be one. So, without the glory we cannot be one with Father and the Son and we cannot be one in the oneness of the Body. Have you been given the glory? And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14) Have you saw His glory?

And so to sum up, Do you know the Glory, have you been given the glory and have you seen the glory? In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple ( Isa 6:1) Have you had a vision of God? Have you experienced His manifest presence? In Hebrews chapter one it is stated that Jesus is the radiance of His glory. And so, if we know Jesus then we know the light that emanates from God Himself, this light is the glory of God. Many of us were able to see the corona of the sun when the eclipse occurred the other day.The corona is the aura that surround and emanates from the sun. It was only at the moment when the moon blocked out the sun that we dare gaze upon it and see the aura, to gaze at anything else of the sun would render us blind. The glory of God is the aura that emanates from Him. He is so Holy that we can only know Him by His aura. Jesus is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature. By taking on flesh Jesus was like the moon that enabled us to look with unveiled eyes about the radiance of the glory of God without destroying us mere mortals in the process.

We must know His glory. His glory is a gift from the Lord Himself, He allows Himself to be seen by the power of the Holy Spirit. We see His glory, we stand in awe, just like Isaiah, at the glory of God. We ourselves would be undone if it were not for Jesus. We could not stand in that place unless we were covered by His blood. By becoming one in the Father and the Son we can stand in the glory. We can bask in the radiance of His glory. We are empowered and renewed and strengthened by the glory. We rise up by the power of the glory. We speak of Him only by the empowering presence of His glory. In short, we do all things by the glory of God and without the glory we can do nothing. Cn you see how important this glory is? It is the power of God and the beauty of God and the holiness of God. If we would walk in the beauty and the holiness and the power of God we must know the glory of God. Do you know His glory?

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All the world is your stage.

Posted by appolus on August 19, 2017

There is a common saying that ” the world is your stage.” This does not mean that we are all actors in the sense of the Greek word meaning hypocrites, but it does mean that we are all aware that we have an audience.This audience may simply be our husband or or wives or our children. It could be our extended family, our workplace or our neighbors. Yet this much is sure, we present an image to the ” world.”

What shapes your image? Is it your fears? Your insecurities? Your pretensions? Is it God that shapes you? When it is God that shapes us then our fears and insecurities and pretensions are dramatically reduced. For most of us this is a process. What does you audience think of you? What do they see when they see you? The Greek word for actor is hypocrite, perhaps you are an actor in that sense? The image that you present to the world is not a true image of who you are.

In my estimation the mature saints have one thing in common, for the most part they are transparent, what you see is what you get. This is not always the way to make friends and influence people but it is the road to authenticity. A rare and beautiful thing, even if it is a diamond in the rough. Are you authentic? Are you transparent? You see, light can travel in and through the transparent ones, yet those who are shaped by fears and insecurities and pretensions create an inner landscape of darkness and shadows. The fear of man leads to spiritual death, the fear of God leads to life and that more abundantly.

Imagine living your whole life fearing man, for that is what the root cause of all pretension is. It is bondage. Now imagine living your life totally free of that bondage. Jesus said when He stood up in the temple that He had come to set the captives free. He had come to heal the broken-hearted and restore that which had been crushed. Brothers and sisters, we can live in freedom from this and every other bondage. The Scriptures tell us that He whom them Son sets free is free indeed.

If you live in fear of what other people think of you, can I ask you to begin to let it fall away. The source of your victory in this will be to know what God thinks of you. Let me tell you. He loves you with an ever-lasting love. You are the apple of His eye. You are His child. His thoughts towards you are more numerous than the sands so the sea. Think about that, God knows you better than you or anyone else knows you and He loves you with a burning passion. If, knowing everything about you, warts and all, He loves you still, then what does it matter if a mere mortal thinks differently?

Rest in the sure knowledge that you are loved and let the chains and the burdens of image that over time are so exhausting, simply fall away. God will help you in this. Your circle of ” friends,” may become smaller, but do you really need friends who who only like you for the image that you have created as opposed to who you really are?

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | Leave a Comment »

There is no other way!

Posted by appolus on August 16, 2017

It is very easy to love a God whom you believe will bless you and keep you safe from all harms, but this is not the Biblical God. Can He bless you? Yes of course. Can He keep you safe? Yes of course. But, there is nothing safe about the genuine Christian walk. There is nothing guaranteed other than He would never leave us nor forsake us. We have been called to the battle-field and not the playground.

Multiple millions of saints before us have been martyred and God was faithful to them all. God was faithful to His Son as He hung on the cross. God was faithful to Paul in the depths of the dungeon. God was faithful to Peter as he was crucified upside down. God was faithful to Stephen as cruel stones rained down on his body and he had a vision of heaven. God was faithful to me when my own son died. He was faithful to me when my other son was burned over 60% of his body. He was faithful to me when my other son was born with Down Syndrome . He is faithful, despite all the circumstances of the world , He is faithful.

The love of the saints for the everlasting God is not based on the circumstances of life, it is not as fickle as that. Our love for Him is not some whimsical thing. It is rooted and grounded in our encounter with the Truth. We are taken by it, it becomes a fire that burns in our bones and no force in all the universe can cause us to let it slip from our grasp. This confounds the enemy of our soul. Look how he tried to buy the devotion of Jesus by taking him to a high tower and give Him all the nations of the world if He would only bow to Him. Jesus, by-pass Calvary, he says. You dont need to suffer, there is another way.

There is no other way, It is by Calvary we walk and it is because of Calvary that we pick up our crosses every day and die to this world and live for Him and follow Jesus. It is a narrow path and few there are that find it for the broad path leads to ease in this life and death in the next as opposed to death here on earth and eternal life in the next. Who can not only bow to the cross but embrace it in the midst of it all? It is not natural brothers and sisters, it is supernatural.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 1 Comment »


Posted by appolus on August 16, 2017

CBSThere has been a lot of talk about Nazis in the last couple of days. The hypocrisy makes me feel quite sick. Most will know that one of my sons has Down Syndrome, he is now 24. What many will not know is that the Nazis first victims were the mentally handicapped. It was not just the Nazis, it was an accepted program through-out Germany, carried out in hospitals by doctors and nurses across the land. CBS recently tweeted out congratulations to Iceland because they have almost a 100% rate of identifying and killing Down Syndrome children in the womb. Now, will the real Nazis please stand up, the rest pale in comparison to the genocide that these people are carrying out throughout the world.


Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 9 Comments »

The Salem witch trials and the hysterical mob.

Posted by appolus on August 15, 2017

I like to study people and groups and society and how they react and so on. I am fascinated by it. I believe myself to be relatively well read on it as well. The Salem witch trials has been, for over 300 years, a cautionary tale of what happens when there is a prolonged period of mass hysteria. Due process is put to one side and the main thrust of attack is false accusation. Once the accusation is made, given the mass hysteria, the condemned has no chance. In earlier versions in Europe, once the witch was named, she would be tossed into the river. If she drowned she was innocent, if she did not drown she was guilty and then actually drowned or burnt at the stake.

Before you sophisticated people laugh at the moronic actions of our forebears, can I suggest that we are doing the exact same thing today. There has been several months of hysteria in this country. Facts are no longer important, it is the accusation that counts. Consider President Trump. In the last seven months he has been a Russian spy. No facts, just accusation. He has been an anti-Semite, despite the fact that his daughter and son-in-law are Jewish ( you can’t make this stuff up) He is a racist. He is a Nazi. That’s quite a little list that is going on there, and all born out of hysteria.

Now let me suggest that in the coming months and years that this hysteria will not subside. The inquisition lasted almost seven hundred years so I can easily see a period of time when all the skills that the hysterical mob has amassed, aided and abetted by feckless politicians and so-called community leaders and social media, will be employed to destroy their enemies. In order to destroy someone nowadays they are first labelled and shamed publicly. The pressure is enormous to fall in line with the mob. The day is coming that if you do not bow down to the gods of this world, you will be destroyed.

Christians in particular, who disagree with gay marriage and identity politics and so on will be the targets of modern-day witch trials. Once the accusation is made, only drowning will save you from the fire, but one way or another, you will be removed from among them and they will celebrate it and believe they are doing God’s work.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 8 Comments »

We are neither left nor right

Posted by appolus on August 14, 2017

There is a symbiotic relationship between the far right and the far left. One cannot thrive without the other. In order for one to rise the other must rise. They draw strength from each other and it is a sick cycle. It swings back and forth like a great pendulum. In short, it is the established society in which we live. History is the record of the swings back and forth. Genuine Christianity is neither left nor right. It is not a sub-culture but a counter culture. Unless you are hated by both sides then you are doing something wrong.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 3 Comments »

When God comes down.

Posted by appolus on August 13, 2017

Their politics shall be all blasted, and turned into foolishness. When God will destroy the nation he will destroy the counsel thereof (Isa_19:3), by taking away wisdom from the statesmen (Job_12:20), or setting them one against another or by his providence breaking their measures even when they seemed well laid; so that the princes of Zoan are fools: they make fools of one another, every one betrays his own folly, and divine Providence makes fools of them all, Isa_19:11. Pharaoh had his wise counsellors. Egypt was famous for such. But their counsel has all become brutish; they have lost all their forecast; one would think they had become idiots. (Matthew Henry)

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst of it and I will destroy its wisdom and they shall seek to idols and to enchanters and to the mediums and to the future-tellers. (Isa 19:3)

You see, when God judges a nation in this fashion he robs their leaders of their wisdom. He brings about situations where the best counselors are at a complete loss as to how to move forward and solve their problems and their problems only mount up higher and higher. This is undoubtedly the situation America faces right now and since it is God that sits in judgement, there are no resolutions to their mounting problems and crisis. Just when they seem to get a handle on one problem and seek to breathe a little easier, quickly the next judgment comes.

We see in Isa 19:1 that ‘behold, Jehovah rides on a swift cloud and comes into Egypt.” Now, how many of us know that when God visits a particular land for the purpose of judgment, that it will not go well for that land. You see, He sits upon the cloud, meaning, that our God is above all resistance. He will do what He has come to do, no one will resist Him. Now the Lord has come to Egypt on a cloud. What does this mean for Egypt? Well, God was going to deal with them directly. There would be no foreign invasion and then captivity, no God was going to prove something. The methods that God will employ are truly frightening. He would use their own brutish natures and divisions against them. They would destroy themselves.

In a combination of natural disasters and His sovereignty, which allows Him to effect the minds of men, God would bring Egypt down. As we see how and why God was judging Egypt, I want you to keep America in mind. I am going to suggest to you that God has arrived on a swift cloud and has come into America, even as we speak. Now , I know that this staggers the mind. Please pray that the Lord will give you eyes to see what is truly unfolding in our time and why.

We are, as you read this, bereft of leadership. Judgement from God. We are slowly but surely turning on each other. Judgment from God. Instead of being united as a nation, we are divided into a myriad of groups. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, gay, straight, liberal, conservative, alt right, alt left, black lives matters, blue lives matters, rich, poor, socialist, capitalist. On and on and on it goes. Judgement from God. It will not end well folks. There is one solution and yet I fear it is beyond our grasp, repent and fall down and humble ourselves.

The truly frightening thing about when” the Lord comes down,” is the fact that He has already assessed the situation and found it wanting. The writing is truly upon the wall when the Lord comes down. He came down and spoke with Abraham about Sodom and Gomorrah. He was willing, for the sake of a very few righteous people, to stay His hand, yet He found none. Instructions were then given to Lot to leave. God’s people must be prepared. The time of the Lord is at hand.

Idols of Egypt shall tremble at His presence. And the heart of Egypt shall melt in its midst. (Isa 19:1) Let not our hearts melt as we see what is unfolding. Stand fast brothers and sisters and stay close to the very presence that cause the Egyptians hearts to melt. That very same presence will cause out hearts to soar and to be strong in the midst of calamity.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, The presence of God, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 4 Comments »

The remnants journey to the valley of Acacias

Posted by appolus on August 11, 2017

I wrote this word in 2009. I believe the Lord is continuing to call His people all over the world to come out. He is calling them to a deep and difficult spiritual journey. But be of good cheer brothers and sisters, the Lord has overcome the world and the difficulties you will surely face if you respond to the Spirit of God within you.

A Call To The Remnant


This word will give directions to the remnant saints that are traveling to the valley of  Acacias. It may be that you do not understand this word. Yet the remnant of God’s people will understand it for they know in their hearts that the Lord is at the door and that they are being  moved in ways they have not known before. Ever drawn away from the world and deeper into the Father’s heart.

How many of us “know ,” that the day of the Lord is coming and it is coming soon? This has nothing to do with proofs or opinions, you just know in your spirit, there is a witness in your spirit that speaks to you and you “know.” I could talk about signs and prophecies being fulfilled but I do not wish to do that in this word…

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How long will you waver?

Posted by appolus on August 11, 2017

If you sell your soul to fill the pews then the price will be the Holy Spirit, He will not be bought. No amount of professional music, lighting or dry ice can replace Him. There can be a tremendous amount of noise and activity all day long on Mount Carmel but no God. How long shall the people waver between two opinions? We cannot serve other gods and call down the one true living God and expect Him to respond. More dry ice?

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, The presence of God, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | Leave a Comment »

God is calling His Remnant out of the established church

Posted by appolus on August 11, 2017

Source: God is calling His Remnant out of the established church

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If the foundations are destroyed

Posted by appolus on August 10, 2017

We are living in a generation of Christians raised on the “blessings,” mentality. Preach a few weeks in a row, or even once, a Holy Spirit filled message about how every saint is called to suffer persecution, how God has never promised them riches, and how His blessings often come wrapped up in trials and see if you are invited back. Christendom of our day craves acceptance by the world because they want to be liked and not persecuted. It is for this reason the world has flooded into the church and the pillars of truth are crumbling under their feet. If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Almost every mega church in the country either teaches prosperity, health and wealth or word of faith, or are compromised with the world or a mixture of all of the above. It is a watered down Christianity that is being preached for the most part and it is anemic converts that are coming forth.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 7 Comments »

A man’s status.

Posted by appolus on August 9, 2017

A man’s status in this life typically is reflected by home, his car, his belongings. The richer a man is, the more elaborate is his dwelling place, his temple. He fills his house with symbols of his wealth and status. The man of God also decorates his temple, the temple of the Holy Spirit, with riches. His dwelling place will be no less elaborate than the richest men on earth. He will decorate his temple with the finest gold of unconditional love. His walls are encrusted with the jewels of forgiveness and mercy. His windows are draped with opulent coverings of meekness and humility. Trophies of grace hang on every wall. They are framed with the finest materials of patience and kindness.

Do we pursue the riches and the glories of heaven with the same vigor and single-mindedness that men here on earth pursue gold and silver? And the treasures that we have attained in Christ, do we protect them with all the strength and resources that we have? Do we value the treasures of our heart in the same way that rich men value their wealth? There is a direct correlation between how much we value something and the lengths we will go to protect it. Guard your hearts brothers and sisters in Christ, guard it with everything that is in you for we have an enemy who seeks to steal and destroy what we have. Oftentimes Satan knows the value of what we have better than we do.

The rich man suffers loss when he gives what he has to another. He knows this and is held captive by greed. Greed is the jail-keeper of worldly wealth, possessions and time. Paradoxically, the Spiritually rich man, when he gives what he has to another, becomes richer in the treasures of heaven. As he gives he magnifies God and is increased in the spiritual capital of the Kingdom.Spiritual capital is love, joy, peace, forgiveness, meekness, humility, patience and kindness and righteousness. As we share these gifts with others we increase riches in the earth.

The treasure of the world are finite. There is only so much gold and so much silver in the earth. When the last of it is mined then there shall be no more. It will be hoarded and stored away in safes and bank-vaults rarely if ever seeing the light of day. The treasures of the Kingdom of God are infinite and they multiply exponentially as they are freely given to others. Shall we be known by the opulence of of our earthly possessions brothers and sisters? Or rather, shall we be known buy the opulence of our heavenly gifts. Shall we pursue status in this world or shall we store up treasures in heaven?

1 Cor 6:19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;

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The narrow way.

Posted by appolus on August 5, 2017

The road gets ever narrower and the the climb becomes steeper, the deeper that the saint walks into the Kingdom of God. There is no way back , nothing to go back too, there is only onwards and upwards no matter what the road ahead holds. When the world observes the saint who walks in the kingdom they merely see with natural eyes. When they see trials and tribulations they see somehow failure and rejection. But our trials are the chisel blows. The great Sculptor is shaping us that we may rightly fit into one glorious temple, a dwelling place for our Lord.

Who will yield to the chisel’s blow? Who will stand firm in the midst of trials and afflictions and persecutions? Who will embrace such a walk that against the blackest backdrop our light shines out and testifies of His glory? Will ye yield Christian? Will you allow yourself to be shaped? Will you stretch out your own hands for the Master’s cause? Can you rejoice in the deepest valley?

The strongest blows against the enemies Kingdom is the joyful noise that arises from the deepest valleys. In a place where others weep and gnash and despair, the man or woman of God, the Kingdom saint, rejoices in His Lord and the devil is silenced. Jesus prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies. Have you oh Christian sat at this table? It is the table of the Lord and goodness and mercy follows us all the days of our walk along the narrow way.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 8 Comments »

Hyper Grace?

Posted by appolus on August 4, 2017

A Call To The Remnant

I went along this Sunday to a service where I knew the preacher was and has been preaching on what we would call ” hyper grace.” It is always good to hear first hand and living in Kansas, we have every kind of church here so one can check out these teaching’s for one’s self. Listening to the sermon, I was reminded of an analogy given by Tozer I believe. He talked about a man of God who loved God and studied His Word all of his life and mined the depths of it and always pursued a deeper more intimate walk with the Lord. Near his death in old age, he proclaimed that the more he knew about God, the less he knew about God. Just how vast and ultimately unknowable He was to us mere mortals in this flesh, although He fills our minds and our hearts and…

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I will gladly embrace the cross.

Posted by appolus on August 3, 2017

The Lord has a cross tailor made for each of us. Yet, He does not require us to pick it up. We can lay it down. And every time we lay it down it is harder to pick it up. We can grudgingly pick it up and walk crying out “woe is me.” Few are the men and women who gladly pick it up. They gladly pick it up because it draws them deep into the Father’s heart and will. Not my will Lord but thine be done. I am coming Lord. We can count the cost and embrace the cross or we can lay it down and suffer the loss.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 7 Comments »