A Call To The Remnant

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Christendom is in Flames!!!!

Click on link to purchase this latest book from Frank McEleny

Click on link to purchase this latest book from Frank McEleny

Lambs to the Slaughter

Posted by appolus on August 11, 2012

Your world view, your view of your nation is going to determine your point of view. It will be the lens that you view events through and the filter through which you pray. What are the goals of your prayers for your nation? Do you seek to see it ” turned around?” What about your culture, do you want to see it saved or preserved? Your way of life, your goals and aspirations for yourself, your children and your grandchildren, are they dependent upon the state of the economy or the state of the culture or the state of the nation?

What if the message is , that your way of life, your culture, your country, everything that you hold dear is going to be dismantled and destroyed and become unrecognizable? How will you, how do you react to hearing such a thing? If the message or the word does not have a ” good,” ending could you still embrace it or would you reject it. Can you embrace a God that is judging and will continue to judge your culture and your nation? Can you embrace a God, that because of His judgments, you will be called to suffer greatly, suffer the loss of everything that you hold dear? And ultimately, can you embrace a God that would call you and your family to martyrdom? Obviously this could only be done in the Spirit and the flesh would rage against such thoughts.

Brothers and sisters, even now the fires burn all across Christendom. The vandals have entered the gates of the cities. These spirits have come to invade every heart and every mind and every church in the land. These are hordes that have poured forth from the bowels of hell, foul defiling hordes. Yet, they are only the pre-cursor for what is to come. Their job is to tear down everything that is called holy. Every part of society is to be torn down stone by stone. This is the spirit behind the forces who will turn wrong into right, who will turn day into night. Now brothers and sisters, we can see evidence of this all around us and we see the disintegration of society unfolding rapidly. The forces that align themselves against Christianity are gaining momentum. They are making a way for their own master to enter onto the world stage. How shall we react to such forces and events?

Many without eyes to see, struggle greatly against this incoming tide. As they see the loss of everything they know and hold dear they have a great desire to fight back. They want to fight against the immoral forces that are tearing down the culture that they love and have created. Fear rises up in them, panic even. That fear and that panic compels them into the arms of many would be leaders. Some cry out that we need a great revival, others cry out that we need Godly men in political leadership. Others even consider arming themselves for what as a coming cultural war.

Brothers and sisters, Christ is coming back and He is coming soon. This world is judged, this country is judged and Christendom is judged. And so now we must flee, flee from Babylon and into the arms of Jesus. Just like Lot we must prepare to leave the comforts of Sodom. Just like the exiles, we must prepare to leave the comforts of Babylon. Just like our early brothers and sisters, we must prepare to leave Jerusalem for there is a fierce judgement coming, the final judgement. All attachments to this world must be broken even as we continue to go into this world for needs must. These judgements that we are in the midst of, these birth pangs are just the beginning and they are from the hand of God. Shall we resist the hand of God?

Brothers and sisters we have been called as lambs to the slaughter. You must prepare for this eventuality. Prepare your hearts for slaughter. Resistance will not change the judgements to come. The arrogance of those who hate us will continue to rise. Shall we meet arrogance with arrogance? Shall we match their hatred and their violence, shall we render evil for evil? As our enemies gain ground they will become emboldened. They will have the world behind them and true and genuine Christianity will be pushed forward into the lime-light and all the world will hate us as we refuse to bow down to the gods of this world.

Yet brothers and sisters, be of good cheer for the Spirit of God will burn brighter in this generation than has ever been seen before. As the flood of darkness pours in, an incomprehensible darkness, then the light that is in us will shine brighter than ever before. The nobility of the Royal priesthood will be seen by all the world. Consider how one views diamonds in a Jewelers. The diamonds are set on black velvet so that the brilliance of the stones are illuminated against the blackness. As so it will be with the Lord’s own jewels. They will be seen against the backdrop of total darkness and they will shine and be seen like they have never shone or been seen before. The magnificent beauty of holiness will burn so brightly in the chests of every remnant child of God as they are led, all the day long, as lambs to the slaughter. And when their numbers are fulfilled, then shall come the King of Kings.

11 Responses to “Christendom is in Flames!!!!”

  1. Barbara said

    Amen and Amen.

  2. Melsina said

    Oh my dearest brother, keep ringing the bell. Here in the USA not many want to hear it. The churches do preach sin nor preparing for the tribulation. Large % are looking for what I call the GREAT ESCAPE. The Rapture. Oh my Lord !

    My mission for last 2 months has been to churches. I will continue. I suppose a tar and feathering or some sort of uneelcomed gesture will come, but I will be a light to the lost in church.

  3. Only the remnant can see what you said herein; that the very things that appear in this world as a detriment to us are actually judgments FROM God. To see this any other way will ensure we fight the wrong enemy, as you have said, aligning ourselves with the wrong leaders who will steer us in a wrong direction.

    It has never been the Christians duty to save a nation or to make the world a better place. That may be Joel Osteen’s message but that is not the message of the cross, nor is that the manner we embrace one.

    Yes, Christiandom is in flames and let the true saints rejoice as a result. Let what can be shaken be shaken and let what is founded upon the rock remain.

    Good word Frank.

  4. I just found and read this……and oh, how very right on and even more timely now, nearly 3 years later! The U.S. has become a sesspool of sin and corruption, and even the majority of the American church has no problem swimming in the filth!
    Keep shining your light and sounding your trumpet, brother Frank!

    • appolus said

      Amen Debra, yet we love those who hate us, we love those who are lost in such a sea of sin and blindness. While they are yet in their sin Christ loves them and has died for them. Even as our Lord was mocked and ridiculed as he walked the via dolorosa by those He had ministered to, those He had healed and fed and taught, He loved them. He could find no sympathy even on the cross for still they mocked Him. They tempted Him to save Himself but still He hung there until the very end, giving up His Spirit to the Father with love for those who mocked and killed Him. He broke the chains of hell and death and sin and robbed the grave of any victory. As goes the Lord then so to we as we walk that same tortured walk, hated and despised and rejected by those who once called us friends. They even tried to crown Him King but He knew their hearts, they had crowned a Saul before, they knew what they wanted and it was not a suffering servant. As we follow this very same path then we enter into His sufferings. His cross was His victory. His death was His conquest. His resurrection was his crowning glory. Who will follow Christ our Lord? Christendom maybe in flames of destruction but there is a fire of glory that is burning in the hearts of the saints of God. A fire that courses through their veins. What the enemy will imagine is his greatest victory as the glorious Church is handed over to Him, is actually is ultimate downfall. It is the culmination of the Body of Christ, to have followed their Lord and Saviour to a willing sacrifice in order to be a witness to His Word. And God says to Satan “have you considered by Church, my own precious Body in the flesh in which I dwell? This is my own workmanship and I have reconciled them to myself and they love me with a love that gladly and willingly counts all things as loss that they may be found in me as I am in them. This is my glorious Church in whom I am well pleased.” And the mouth of Satan was closed for all eternity, that old accuser of the brethren, openly shamed by their willingness to be forsake all for the burning passion of their lives. Job may have sat and bemoaned the day that he was born. Yet Paul, representing the new man, having God Himself residing within His heart, now in the depths of the dungeon, whipped to within an inch of his life and one who should have been in the depths of despair, glorifies God and begins to sing His praises in the midnight watch. Oh glorious victory over the flesh, see what power falls from heaven and shakes the very foundation and sets the captives free. We too brothers and sisters will soon shake the whole world as the power of God falls upon His glorious Church in the very depths of persecution.

  5. William said

    “Upon this Rock I will build my church and the Gates of Hell will not prevail against it”. Jesus was at the literal cave where Pan the goat demon was worshipped at Caesarea Philippi/ His declaration had nothing to do with Peter who denied Him three times.

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