A Call To The Remnant

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Archive for September, 2014

Knowing God

Posted by appolus on September 26, 2014

I don’t need to know more from God, I need to know more of God. Trust triumphs over knowledge and love conquers all.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 1 Comment »

The reward of heaven is the appreciation of Glory

Posted by appolus on September 24, 2014

Imagine if you will a table with two identical slices of bread. Two men come to the table and sit. One man has not eaten for days. The other is reasonably well fed. They both eat their slice of bread. The man who has not eaten for days is enraptured by his slice of bread. It satisfies him in ways he never thought possible because of his hunger. The other man enjoys his slice of bread. Both are fed.

There are two men. One married, the other is a single man who has never even kissed a woman. The married man kisses his wife’s neck and she smiles as does he. The single man kisses a woman’s neck and every part of him is alive. Now, in both these scenarios the object is the same, a slice of bread, a single kiss, but the reactions, based on the conditions of the recipients are totally different.

In heaven there is a reward for the faithful of God. There is one God and one glory and all participate in the worship and the glory of God. To those who suffered much in this life this reward is appreciated on levels that others could only imagine. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Are you suffering now for the cause of Christ? Your reward is coming brother. Have you had much trouble in this life? Your reward is coming sister. When Christ appears as a flaming sword it will as a tremendous beacon of light to one and a consuming fire to another. In heaven the glories of God will be to all a marvelous wonder, the object being the same. Yet for those who gladly suffered for His sake, for those who were hungry for His sake, for those who were naked for His sake, for those who were despised and rejected for His sake, that object will be all the more glorious. There is perfect justice before the throne of God.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | Leave a Comment »

The beauty of silence in the palm of His hand.

Posted by appolus on September 23, 2014

Ride and ride with all your might
Push the horse into the night
Towards the dawn that’s straight ahead
Fleeing darkness fleeing dread

I have swam in the stormy seas of chaos
I have been caught in the lightning storms of life
Pushing mighty boulders up perpetual hills
I have baked in the sun and shivered naked with the chills

I have been a starving man
With my nose pressed against the window pane
I have wrestled with this world and sanity
And known something of what it means to be insane

And now I listen to the silence
Tis a table set before me fit for a King
A glorious feast of beauty and peace
An immovable Spirit deep within

And in this silence where there is no noise
Can you hear it? Can you hear the still small voice?
A feats indeed to a starving man
To remember n your heart where it all began

In Christ alone I stand or fall
Tis a starving man who cannot hear His call
His silence His peace tis manna to my soul
For distractions and noise surely take their toll

Till there’s nothing left but a valley of bones
And tortured men with hearts full of stones
Starving and dying and withering away
They have long since forgotten how to listen and pray

God is calling He is calling today
We must learn how to listen, to listen and pray
Distractions must cease and an end to all noise
Till we hear again that small still voice

Oh Christendom how often I would gather you in
Away from the world and its noise and its din
Those who can hear me in that day they shall stand
In the beauty of silence in the palm of His hand.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christian poetry, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, poetry, prophecy, revival, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | Leave a Comment »

We shall stand in that evil day!

Posted by appolus on September 22, 2014

God has burned the truth of the remnant into the hearts and bones of His children. The days are fast approaching and the times are growing darker but only because the light that outshines the sun is coming for His bride. All of hell and darkness knows this and they know that their time is short. Everything that can be shaken is and shall be shaken. Those who stand upon the solid Rock of Truth, Jesus Himself, shall ultimately be unmoved. They may lose everything in this world, but what is loss to them in this world shall be gain to them in the next. Brothers and sisters, we have treasure in our earthen vessels. That treasure is the glory of God. Hold fast. Consider the lengths men go to in order to protect their earthly treasures. What price our true heavenly treasures? We are a witness to the glory of God here on earth, we bear a testimony. The enemy of our souls seeks to devour that testimony and seeks to take away the manifestations of righteousness. Peace and love and joy and contentment and forgiveness. These are our beacons of light which God shines through the vessels that have been broken for the cause of Christ. Those who bear the light shall stand in that evil day.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, prophecy, revival, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 4 Comments »

No turning back!

Posted by appolus on September 22, 2014

One must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and not the leading and the wisdom of men. If He calls you out of everything established, then out you must go. Men hate this of course, but our conscience must be good before the Lord.One must speak as one is led and if it means that you stand alone then it means you stand alone, for we know that in Christ we are never alone. We may not make friends and influence people, but that is not what we shall give account for before our Lord Jesus. Yes brothers and sisters, the stripping away of all things is the narrow path. For the first time in my life I was ashamed of the country of my birth, and even in that there is a stripping away. God is raising up a people who shall have no other gods before Him. The people who He is raising up will be like a lightening rod to the religious establishment and the men who desire to follow and be followed. The dark days ahead necessitate the raising of a people who shall be lovers and followers of the Truth. Part of the raising of that people is the refining of that people where they walk through fires that burn away all the dross. ” Though none go with me, still I will follow, no turning back, no turning back.”

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, prophecy, revival, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 3 Comments »

A sound mind.

Posted by appolus on September 15, 2014

2Ti 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Many Christians have what they call ” life Scriptures.” Particular Scriptures that have been most applicable to them in their lives and in their situations and these Scriptures have grounded them and kept them on the narrow path. The above Scripture is one on mine. Fear can so dominate out lives in all its many shades and hews. It fuels anxiety and stress. Fear is gasoline poured upon your troubles. Troubles is certainly something that we shall always have, but fear is unnecessary. And by that I mean living in fear. Slavish fear, fear that binds us hand and feet. Fear that captures the mind and overwhelms it, rendering us captive. How do you know if you have been captured? Do you have a sound mind? What does that mean? Well, part of the meaning is discipline and self-control. Have your thoughts taken hold of you? Can you ” turn them off?” Can you sleep at night? Do you ” walk the floor?” These are all symptoms of not having a ” sound mind.”

Back in the older days, it was referred to as having a quiet mind. Oh the beauty of a quiet peaceful mind. It’s in this quiet that we can hear the small still voice of God. The enemy seeks to take this quiet from us so that we cannot hear the lord. He seeks to have our minds like the sound of many waters, roaring seas, a din that cannot be stopped. It is vital, absolutely vital, that brothers and sisters have a quiet mind. The fear that fuels all else is not of God. First it comes from our flesh and then is magnified by the enemy. Distraction is the order of the day. You have to confront your fears in the power of God. He has given you power over it. In the yielding of our lives to Him we have been given a spirit of power and love and self-control. Make no mistake, this is an enemy that will shadow you all the days of your life. You have to be vigilant and put on all the armor of God to do battle with the enemy of God and the enemy of your soul.

There is a reward to those who overcome, there is a reward to those who endure, there is a reward to those persevere. Stand up brothers and sisters. I know you may have fallen down, maybe even multiple times to the enemy which is fear, but stand up. Count all things as loss for Christ and to be found in Him. It will not come naturally, in fact quite the opposite, which is why it is a battle. But be of good cheer, for we worship a supernatural God who hears the cries of His people and who is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and His presence. Who, with discipline and single-mindedness continue to seek out their God no matter what situations come along. Do not condemn yourself if you have despaired. The great men of Scriptures despaired. The levels and the depths of your despair is the height and the measure of your trial. Stand up, stand strong, stand in the power of God, stand in the evil day.

It is not the falling down that is the measure of the man or woman of God, it is the rising up. Rise up today from your bed of fear and anxiety and cast all your cares upon Him. Know that we can lose everything in this world but we cannot be taken out of His hand. You may not feel His presence today, but He stands with you and goes before you. You may not feel the heat of the sun at night but nevertheless it is there and come the dawn the sun shall rise. This may be a dark time in your life but this I want you to know, the sun will rise again, there shall be a dawn that follows the darkness of your situation. Persevere saints and one day soon we shall gather before the throne and praise together. The Bible tells us to put on a garment of praise for a Spirit of heaviness and that the Lord inhabits the praise of His people. Begin to praise the Living God today in a sacrifice of worship and wait and see the fire of God fall upon that sacrifice………bro Frank

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | Tagged: | 14 Comments »

And Hell pours forth its fury-ISIS

Posted by appolus on September 3, 2014

Below is an article written by a dear brother in the Lord , Robert Taylor. He is a missionary in Mexico and a dear faithful brother. Robert highlights the fact that ISIS, now the well-known evil group of terror in Iraq and Syria, is also the name of an ancient pagan Goddess. And not just any pagan Goddess, she is still worshipped today all over the world in pagan and occultic circles. She is the Goddess of magic, but more importantly in those circles she is the mother of Osirus. Using her magic she is supposed to have resurrected him from the dead. There is an ancient image of ISIS suckling her son Horus. This image was later co-opted by early Catholicism to represent Mary suckling Jesus.

Now if ISIS represents evil and resurrection, what exactly is being resurrected in this group? Every now and then in history, the bowels of hell of hell open up and evil is vomited onto the land. Not just the ordinary evil that man is so capable of, but a particular demonic evil that takes over groups and sometimes nations in a great tidal wave of hell itself. Nazi Germany is a great example of this. In an interview for a documentary on the rise of Hitler, one regular German woman put it like this. ” There was something in the atmosphere and we all breathed it in.” I want you to ponder  that.

The prince of the power of the air comes down and soaks the atmosphere at certain times. Now, there is a time coming, such as we have never seen before. Is that time now, as brother Robert hints at? Perhaps. Is it the group ISIS that represents the coming great evil such as the world has never seen before? Perhaps. Or, is there something yet to come that is so terrible that our minds cannot even conceive it? Now, all of these events have the same source, yet when the prince of the power of the air comes down in the time just prior to the return of Jesus, there will be something so intoxicating in the air that most will breathe it in, in fact, if it were possible, even the elect would do so, such is the deception.

This is why I do not believe that the group ISIS will be that force, it may be a pre-currsor to it and a microcosm of it and an insight into the sheer madness and evil that is to come that will overtake the whole world , much like Hitler and the Nazis were but not the ” main act,” so to speak. The great evil yet to come will not come from blatant Barbarians, which is what ISIS is and the whole world can see that. No, the great evil to come will be perpetrated by the civilized world and cheered on by that world as it goes about its business of killing every genuine saint on the earth……….bro Frank


Read the rest of this entry »

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Beauty from the Ashes

Posted by appolus on September 3, 2014

What I love about the Lord our God is that He makes beauty from the ashes. Now, certainly it takes eyes to see what the Lord can and does do. When our eyes are on the Lord then darkness flees in the light of His beauty and whatever His beauty shines on becomes beautiful. When we look through the eyes of the flesh oftentimes all things are perceived darkly and in this there is no beauty. To praise God in the depths of the dungeon is a glorious thing, more glorious that praising Him on the mountaintops. See the power of God fall upon Paul as He praises God in the midnight hour in the depths of his afflictions.

There is a deep spiritual lesson here as we witness Paul praising God and being full of joy where there should be no joy. See the saints down through the centuries praise God in the depths of their situations, even as flames licked around their mortal bodies. Even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, God makes us to lie down in green pastures. He prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies, in their presence mind you, and goodness and mercy and love and joy follow those saints all the days of their lives.

What a witness it is to the world to rejoice in God when nothing is going our way and we seem to have all the troubles and the burdens of the world on our shoulders, but of course, if we shall, we lay it upon His shoulders and we cast our cares upon Him and our burdens become light in the beauty and grace of His presence and there is rest for our souls. Paul would rather talk about his infirmities that God be glorified. May God be glorified in our own conversations with each other and the world.

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To grind in the mill house of our mind.

Posted by appolus on September 1, 2014

This morning as I was walking and talking with the Lord I pondered how the mind works. In my mind’s eye I saw one who was utterly exhausted in their mind. The wheels and the machinations of the heart were in constant motion with worrying and anxiety and stress. It seemed to be like the slaves of old who were attached to grind stones in the flour mills of their enemies. Where all day long they would walk in a circle pushing a beam which would in turn move cogs and pulleys and thus move the enormous mill stones and grind the wheat into flour. Each pulley, each cog representing stress and anxiety and worry. The slave himself generating his own anxiety and worry by virtue of being attached to the beam and compelled to push in a never-ending servitude.

Then I saw the same flour mill, only this time it was beside a river and a wheel had been set. The water turned the wheel and the wheel powered the cogs and the pulleys and this in turn caused the great mill stone to turn without any human effort. In each case flour was produced, yet in one case there was a slave and in the other case there was no need for slavery.

Now many may say that anxiety and worry and stress and fear is caused by the enemy or our circumstances, yet Jesus commands us to be “anxious for nothing.” Why would the Lord command us to do something that was not in our power to do? In fact He has commanded us to do something that is very much within our grasp, He has commanded us to choose. The Lord has called His children to freedom. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the Holy place where the most high dwells (Psalm 46:4) To dwell beside the river of God is to be nourished by God Himself. Those who have the river of God flowing through them, those to whom God pours into them living waters, it is those who are like evergreen trees who continually produce fruit in season and out of season. They are like ever green trees in the garden of the Lord and they walk in a peace that surpasses understanding.

Now brothers and sisters. Can you say you are like an evergreen tree set by the river of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to run and not grow weary? Or perhaps you have allowed yourself to become attached to the beam and have become enslaved to the grind of this world? God knows how to feed His children, God has called His children to freedom. He has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love and of power and of a sound mind. Today He is calling you to peace.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 2 Comments »