A Call To The Remnant

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Archive for July, 2023

Missed appointment turns into divine appointment.

Posted by appolus on July 30, 2023

A few Friday’s ago I had a dental appointment for a cleaning at 4pm. I have not had my teeth cleaned since last November due to the fact I had my hip replaced in December. My specialist told me that from now on, every time I get my teeth cleaned, I have to take antibiotics an hour before every dental visit. So, I had a Bible study in the morning with two dear brothers, then got groceries, then picked up Daniel from his day care service. Got home about 2.30, had a coffee, put my feet up and the next thing I know I was awakened by my cell phone ringing. I looked at the time, it was 3.57. The call was from the dentist “are you close?” I was so embarrassed to tell them that I had forgotten and that I could not even rush in because I had not taken my antibiotics the hour before. The secretary seemed a wee bit put out as she rearranged my appointment. We settled on the following Wednesday at noon. For those who know me, they will know I never miss appointments , and, I am always, always early. Its kinda a thing with me.

The morning of the following Wednesday I get two calls from the dentist. One early in the morning to remind me of the visit and then another an hour before to make sure I had taken my pills. I felt a wee bit miffed that I was being treated like a child but thought that I deserved it 🙂 I was seated in the big chair and the dental hygienist came in. She put her hand on my shoulder and said “when I saw your name on the schedule, I knew that God was sending me help.” Now, she knew my name, but I was embarrassed because I did not know hers. I get my teeth cleaned every six months and this lady had done them for the last couple of years. I always talked to her about the Lord. I think for those of us who are in the habit of sharing the Lord with others as often as we get the chance, we forget conversations and names sometimes. This woman knew the Lord, I knew that. I asked her what was going on. She blurted out three things. She was having a crisis of faith. She was very angry at God and she had murder in her heart. A fourth point would be added later.

I said to her “what’s going on?” She proceeds to tell me that five months ago her 21 year old grandson died of a fentanyl overdose. For 20 minutes she and his mother tried to revive him, to no avail, he died in their arms. She was angry at God she said. She felt that she had promises from God and that He had let her down. She knew who had sold her grandson the pill and the person who had encouraged him to take it even although he had attended rehab and was doing well. She wanted to kill the drug-dealer who sold her grandson the pill. She had counted the cost of doing such a thing and was willing to pay the price. One last thing, she needed to know where her grandson was, heaven or hell. If he was in hell then she wanted to forsake heaven and go to where he was. Obviously the cleaning had to stop. I had listened to most of this with my mouth opened. I asked her to put her instruments down and I spoke to her. I spoke to her with a wisdom that I myself do not possess. The Holy Spirit of the Living God spoke to her heart. Each point was addressed. I then asked her if I could pray with her right then and there. At the end of that prayer I knew her heart had been touched and she thanked me with tears.

Now brothers and sisters. This woman only works on Mondays and Wednesday. If I had not missed my appointment. If I had not fallen asleep. If I had not forgotten to take my antibiotics, I would never have seen this dear woman. As I pondered this on the way home, I thought about a chess board and how I was but one small piece. God has a free hand to do whatever He likes with His own servant for His own will and His own good pleasure. He sees it all, we see but a snapshot. I was overwhelmed, with tears, at the privilege of it all. He has the sovereign right to do with me as He pleases. I was bought with a price. A price so vast that our minds cannot comprehend it. Even although it went against everything I am in my flesh, this missed appointment was overturned for a  divine appointment. He has come to set the captives free. He has come to heal the brokenhearted. He has set the steps of a righteous man. Glory be to God and may the Lord Jesus be glorified in all the earth.

Posted in bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, healing, healing ministry, hope, Jesus, revival, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

His endless favor.

Posted by appolus on July 28, 2023

Cry out you heavens and sing O mountains
For the Lord sustains you from inexhaustible fountains
He comforts His people and has mercy on the afflicted
He is never wrong and never contradicted

High above the trees in desolate heights
He warms us with His fire in the blackest of nights
And in the darkest depths of the valley below
He leads us and guides us in the ways we should go

In winters discontent when the days are dreary
He elevates His own and gives strength to the weary
Hope when no hope and joy everlasting
Clarity to confusion and deep understanding 

We may well have troubles on every side
Yet are not cast down but we surely abide
In His glory, in His mercy in His very palm
The Lord our God the spotless Lamb.

Posted in bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christian poetry, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, Jesus, poetry, revival, spiritual poetry, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Renew a right spirit within me.

Posted by appolus on July 25, 2023

Psa 51:7  Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 

These are words from the man who is “after Gods own heart.” A man that the Lord loves greatly. Does He not love you brothers and sisters? Could we not pray the same prayer as David many times in our lives? Cleanse me for thy sake oh Lord and I shall be clean. Wash Lord and I shall be whiter than snow. The bones that you have broken Lord, heal them within me that I may rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out my transgressions. Create in me a clean heart oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence oh Lord and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation. Deliver me from my guilt oh Lord for I acknowledge my transgressions, for it is against You alone oh Lord that I have sinned.

This is the heart of a broken and a contrite man. This is what the Lord loves. A man who has glimpsed into the depths of his own soul and found himself so very wanting. Yet he does not go and hide behind a tree and a fig leaf, rather he stands there, naked before the Lord, nothing hidden. While he was hidden the joy of the Lord was hidden to him. While he deceived himself the wisdom of the Holy Spirit was removed from him. The presence of the Lord had fled away and only as he emerges from behind the tree and from behind the fig leaf is David restored. Are you hiding today brother or sister? Shall you not come out from behind the tree and stand naked before the Lord? God does not require your sacrifice. He already required that of the Lord Jesus. He simply requires a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart. These things God will not despise. He will surely usher you back into His presence and He will restore the joy of His salvation to You. Goodness and mercy shall follow the broken and the contrite heart all the days of their lives.

Posted in bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, God's love, Jesus, revival, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, The Psalms, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

I will pour My Spirit upon the dry land.

Posted by appolus on July 24, 2023

There is no other Rock I know, not one
Sing oh heavens until His is work on earth is done
Break forth in rapturous praise you mountains set on high
For your peaks cry out His splendor, and His glory fills the sky

The Lord is our Redeemer and He formed us from the womb
He died upon a bloody cross and walked out from the tomb
He stretches out the heavens then He'll roll them into scrolls
This Son of God, what Majesty, this Savior of our souls. 

His blessing shall pour forth like a mighty waterfall
Hands shall stretch to heaven as they hear the Masters call
We shall spring up like willows among the watercourses
We shall mount up and go forth on heavens mighty horses

Our spirits shall fly like the summer larks in the hues of the setting sun
Our hearts shall soar like the eagles when the day of the Lord has begun
He shall pour water on the thirsty and floods upon dry ground
He shall pour forth His Spirit and in His Spirit we shall be found. 

Posted in bible, Christian poetry, Daily devotional, Devotions, Jesus, poetry, revival, spiritual poetry, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

How to triumph in Christ.

Posted by appolus on July 22, 2023

2Co 2:14  Now thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

Can you say, with all honesty brothers and sisters, that through you, the fragrance of Jesus is made known every where you go? By His presence in you and your presence in, say, your marriage, you “diffuse the fragrance,” of Christ? That phrase means to make manifest. Is it manifestly evident that you carry the presence of Jesus? How about at work? When you are driving? Interacting with your family? Interacting with people who do not like you? Is there still a fragrance that emanates from you? Are you like a flower? Beautiful to behold, something that others want to draw near to them and just breath you in?

Atmosphere, it is something we can control. We can control it because God has given us everything we need for He always leads us in conquest. He leads. He goes before. Shall we step back or shall we get out in front of Him? When we are wronged do we rush forward with our carnal weapons of warfare and then pat ourselves on the back because it was “self defense.” The clue is right in the words. We are defending “self,” therefore we add to the blackness of the atmosphere rather than allow the light to shine forth from our innermost being which causes the darkness to flee.  The flesh demands to be defended and when it is the atmosphere grows darker. We must infuse into the situation the rarified air of heaven.

In one year, the average mature tree will absorb 48 pounds of carbon dioxide and in exchange release oxygen. We saints are the spiritual “trees,” in this world. We are uniquely designed to triumph over the toxic nature of humanity and the world in which we live. The one vital difference is this, what the trees do by nature and design, we must do by choice. We can exhale out both spiritual oxygen or more hellish carbon dioxide. In every single occasion it is a choice. The power resides within us. Shall we follow God? If we do then He always leads us to victory. If we follow the dictates of our own flesh then we shall find ourselves wallowing in the toxic nature of defeat.

Posted in bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, Fresh Fire, inspirational, intimacy, Jesus, revival, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

When you pass through the waters.

Posted by appolus on July 20, 2023

You shall rise up with the wings of an eagle
And meet Him in the air
You shall shout with a voice of triumph 
A shout that is beyond compare.

Jericho shook and the seas fled away
When all of God's people assembled
As the Lord our God came down from on high
And the inhabitants of the earth all trembled

Fear not says the Lord our God Almighty
For I am surely at the door
Wait upon Me, be still do not faint
In my presence there is so much more

I give strength to the weak and to the humble
I lift up the hands that hang low
I light up the way lest you fall and stumble
I am the way you should go.

Walk through fires, you shall not be consumed
And the rivers shall not take you down
On islands of despair you shall not be marooned
And no man shall take your crown

Stand in the depths of Christ alone
Stand strong and do not falter 
Come now and worship before His throne
Rejoice before His altar. 

Posted in Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christian poetry, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, Jesus, poetry, spiritual poetry, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology | 1 Comment »

I desire truth in the inward parts.

Posted by appolus on July 18, 2023

Psa 51:6  Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden parts you shalt make me to know wisdom. 

Part of wisdom is to know who you are. The outward appearance is of little value other than it is a reflection of the inner man. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but true beauty God sees clearly. In 1 Sam 16:7 it says ” the Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” To truly be a witness for Jesus, the world must see Him when it sees us. In order for that to happen we must have truth in the inward parts. The hidden parts must become visible. The true essence of who we are, in Christ alone we make our stand, must be seen. This is why we must decrease and the Lord must come forth in every part of who we are.

This is our calling. The Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached as a witness. What does that mean? The world must “see,” the truth as well as hear it. Anyone can parrot the truth, but only the saints can live it out for all the world to see. Jesus says in Matt 24 that this Gospel must be preached as a witness to all nations and then the end shall come. Its not good enough for the gospel to be preached to all nations, it must be preached “as a witness.” A witness brings forth evidence. What is the evidence of your salvation? Is it but words? Or, is it the life that you lead that gives flesh and blood to those words? “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be a witness to Me in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

A man called Witold Pileski, a survivor of the Auschiwitz concentration camp wrote this ” some slithered into a moral swamp, others chiseled themselves a character of finest crystal. We were cut with a sharp instrument. Its blade bit painfully into our bodies, yet in our souls it found fields to till. We had all become just our bare essence. A man was seen and valued for what he really was.” When we are stripped down to our bare essence what shall be seen? Who are we really? Shall not the fire reveal the gold? Shall not suffering chisel away the worthless? Shall not our souls be tilled and there the fruit of the Holy Spirit spring up? Fruit that people can see. Fruit that brings glory to God. Fruit that feeds others. Shall we resist the sharp cut, the stripping down? Let us not brothers and sisters but rather let us yield our fallow ground to the till that is held by the hand of God Almighty and pulled by the Holy Spirit. And then, and only then, Jesus bursts forth!

Posted in bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, God's love, Jesus, new wineskins, revival, sanctification, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, The Psalms, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology | 3 Comments »

But I will send a fire and the Lion will roar.

Posted by appolus on July 16, 2023

 I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they have despised the law of the LORD, and have not kept his commandments, and their lies lead them astray, which their fathers followed: But I will send a fire upon Judah, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem (Amo 2:4-5)

Amos is sent to a prosperous Israel. It was a time of national optimism. Business is booming and their boundaries had never been more enlarged. Yet all that shone was not gold. The hearts of the people were far from God and they followed the traditions of their fathers. No matter what God had sent upon these people, famine, drought and plagues, nothing could shake them from a security they had based upon the traditions of their fathers. Yet, despite their traditions, they “despised the law of God.” They were not keeping His commandments. The word despised in the Greek means to reject, to cast away, to refuse. They refused to follow what the Lord had laid down, rather they followed the traditions of their fathers.

Before we judge Israelite to harshly, do we follow the commands of the Lord? And if not, then do we not also despise the Word of God? We refuse to follow the instructions laid down on how we should worship, rather we worship in the manner of our fathers. Why are we different than the audience that Amos was sent to? Why should the Lord our God not send a fire among us? Amos drew no punches when it came to sin. He spoke to a people who were very proud of themselves, after all, were they not prosperous? They were indeed, rich in the things of the world, rich in tradition, but desperately poor in the things of the Lord. Poor in relationship, poor in love and mercy and justice.

What kind of fire should the Lord send among us brothers and sisters? Should not the dross be burned up? What has the spirit to fear from the fire of the Lord? Only the flesh burns in the fire. Only material things burn in the fire. Our ambitions and our traditions would be burned up in the fire. Our positions and our standing in the communities at large will be burned up in the fire. The fire of persecution is coming towards us like some monster hurricane. God’s remnant people will not be harmed by the fire, they may be killed by it but they shall not be harmed by it. Like the Hebrew children in the midst of the flames, there we shall stand with Jesus beside us. The world will see this. The religious world will see this. It will make them hate us all the more but we shall shine like the finest gold as we render not evil for evil. By the light of this fire the enemy will be illuminated. Our love will expose their hatred and the father of hatred and lies. Listen, can you hear the Lion roar?

Posted in bible, Christian, church, Church history, Daily devotional, Devotions | 2 Comments »

Every valley exalted.

Posted by appolus on July 14, 2023

All flesh is grass and its beauty 
Is like the flowers of the field 
We are here today and still we sow
Yet tomorrow what shall we yield?

The world and all who dwell therein 
Shall surely fade away
Yet those who stand in Christ alone
Close to the cross they always stay

And though all things shall fade away
His Word shall remain forever
And we who remain and are yet alive
Are taken by the crimson river

This river  that flows from Calvary
Is an inexhaustible fountain
It carries us across the sea 
And summits every mountain

To the lofty heights of heavens glory
His people shall surely ascend
And there in the sky they shall meet their Lord
Their King, their Master, their friend

And there He dwells with the truly contrite
With the lowly, the humble, the broken
Who stood beneath that Bloody cross
And who stood upon every Word spoken

They shall run and run and not grow weary
They shall walk and shall not faint
They shall rise up with the wings of an eagle
And there shall worship without restraint. 

Posted in bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christian poetry, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, healing, Jesus, poetry, revival, spiritual poetry, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, The Psalms, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

Coals of fire and fish thereon.

Posted by appolus on July 13, 2023

Joh 21:9  As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread. 

In the last chapter of John we see this very well known encounter. Peter and six others decide to go fishing, it is Peter who makes the suggestion and the others follow. This was the disciples falling back on what they knew. They were to be fishers of men but now they were going back to their old trade. They needed food on the table no doubt. They had followed Jesus for three years and now Jesus was not walking with them. All night long they fish and come up with nothing. From the shore Jesus shouts to them to put the net down on the other side. And of course, as we know, they landed an enormous catch. Yet it is important to note that the moral of this story is not how to catch fish.

When Peter realizes that it is Jesus on the shore he throws himself into the water. The others stayed with the catch. In life there will always be those who plunge into the waters at the call of Jesus. Those who drop everything, even the biggest catch of their lives. Peter was such a man. Now, the moral of the story begins to come into view as Peter makes his way towards Jesus. He sees that there is a fire of coals burning and fish already cooking and there was bread too. Jesus had shouted to them earlier “children have you any food?” He did not ask them if they had caught any fish, they were obviously out there looking for food for themselves as opposed to working for money. Yet here, on the beach, Jesus had already prepared a meal for them.

Jesus was calling the disciples to be shepherds, not fishermen. Fishers of men perhaps, but shepherds. “Feed my lambs…….Tend my sheep….. feed my sheep……follow Me.” Obedience to the call and trust in the Lord. Jesus knows our needs, He has fires of coal and fish there-on and bread to eat also. Come to Jesus. If you have to plunge into the ocean, come to Jesus. If you have to lay down burdens, lay them down. If you have to do any casting, cast your cares upon Jesus. The One with all the resources says “follow me.” Seeing Jesus, knowing Jesus, encountering Jesus, this is our calling………….and all these things shall be added unto you. Seek Him first though the ocean lie between you and Him. Come to Him though the mountains stand in your way. Watch them crumble before you. Rise up, cast caution to the wind along with Peters garments and run to Him. “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?” The life that we live shall express our love for Jesus far beyond words.

Posted in bible, christian blog, christian living, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, God's love, Jesus, revival, spiritual growth, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology | 1 Comment »

Walking through the trials of life.

Posted by appolus on July 9, 2023

There is a kind of heady rush when one faces a severe challenge. The greater the severity the greater the “rush.” The middle of the challenge can often be difficult. The first flushes and shock of it all settles down  and the day to day reality of it settles in. The adrenaline winds down There is also a kind of post phase when the challenge is over and we have to return to “normal,’ life. For me, in the past, there is a great intensity of relationship with the Lord when I was squeezed and my back was against the wall so to speak. Perhaps not unlike a soldier from WW1 who goes home for r&r and finds it almost surreal and difficult to navigate due to the intensity of his experience on the battle-fields.

As saints we face this, and undoubtedly, given the nature of your circumstances, you too will deal with this. I suppose in the end the words of the Lord ring clear and true “therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own troubles” I have had much difficulty in my life trying to live this out. I know the truth of it. I know the weakness of my own flesh in addition to my own particular dysfunctions. I know that in this flesh of mine I can do no thing. The older I get the more apparent this is to me. Only in the Lord Jesus can I even begin to stand. I can do nothing without Him. I don’t want to do anything without Him. I want to walk in His peace. It’s akin to walking upon the water, and of course, when I take my eyes off Jesus I begin to go under.

And when a particularly severe trial comes to an end then I must know that the grace that filled up the valley to meet me in the depths, recedes. His grace is sufficient for me. It lifts me from the valley floor to heavens heights. It holds me, it sustains me then it gently sets me back down again and the walk continues down that narrow path that leads me home. In every situation, in every trial, in every season we are called to trust in Jesus. When the storm rages and when there is not even a breeze. When the snow falls and when the summer sun shines. When the spring rains come and when the leaves begin to fall in the Autumn. The seasons belong to the Lord. We belong to the Lord. Our walk belongs to the Lord. Our circumstances belong to the Lord. Our very hearts are His and for His own good pleasure He will mold us and shape us and finish what He has begun in us.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (Mat 6:33-34)

Posted in bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, Jesus, praise, revival, spiritual gifts, spiritual growth, Spiritual warfare, the crucified life, the deeper life, the persectuted church, The presence of God, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology | 4 Comments »

I will be your husband.

Posted by appolus on July 6, 2023

Hos 2:20  I will even betroth you to Me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the LORD. 

My father died a few months ago. He was 83. My mum is 82. They were engaged for five years and married for 62 years. And just days after my father passed away, the Lord spoke to my mothers heart. He said “I will be your husband now.” It brought her so much peace. To know that every aspect of her earthly husband, protection, provision, companionship would be met by her Lord. It is not that she did not know the Lord in these ways before my father died, but in the absence of her husband here on earth, she would suffer no loss, quite the opposite. He is more than enough. He betroths us in His faithfulness and in that we become intimate with Him in the deepest recesses of our hearts. This is His vow to us. And if we know one thing about the Lord, He will do what He said He will do. And in that sure knowledge we rest, our troubled hearts lie down in His arms. Is there anywhere more secure than that?

Perhaps you have suffered such a loss? Perhaps your husband or wife is far from perfect and your hurting heart cries out to God? He knows. He sees. He cares and He listens to the heart cries of His own. The vows we make to our spouses last a lifetime. The promises we have from our Lord lasts for all eternity. In the following verse it says this “It shall come to pass in that day that I will answer says the Lord. I will answer the heavens and they shall answer the earth.” Is that not some of the most beautiful language you will ever hear? Though the heavens may have been silent, now they respond. The long lasting drought comes to and end and the heavens open wide and there falls a glorious soaking rain that quenches the dry and thirsty land. And oh how the land responds by bringing forth its fruit. God is the heavens and we are the earth. The rain, the deluge after the drought is His presence and His fruit in us is manifested in love and joy and peace and thanksgiving. Praise the Living God for He has betrothed us!

Posted in bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, Jesus, revival, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, The Psalms, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology | 3 Comments »

The Valley of tears

Posted by appolus on July 5, 2023

Hos 2:15  And I will give her her vineyards from there, and the valley of Achor as a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

In the first part of this chapter we see that Israel has ran after other lovers, just like the wife of Hosea. It would seem certain then that God would, and should be finished with them yet He says this “Therefore behold I will allure her, I will bring her into the wilderness.” His ways are certainly not our ways. He calls us back to Himself, so great is His mercy. He loves us still when we should not be loved, so great is His passion for His people. He draws us into a place where He has all of our attention, a wilderness place, a place of no hope perhaps that we might cry out to the Lord our God. And from that place He says he will give us vineyards. Grapes growing in the desert places. Fruit coming forth where there should be no fruit. And all of them watered in the valley of Achor, that is to say the valley of tears. These tears become a wellspring of hope and not despair. A door that opens where no door was. It suddenly appears to us and beckons us to pass through. It’s the door of His presence, its the joy of our youth, its our coming back to the our first and only true love. Jesus.

Even now, Jesus stretches out His hand and stands as an open door and invites us to come to Him. He should judge us, He should reject us, He should destroy us for running after other lovers. He calls Hosea to forgive his wife, to redeem His wife, to even look after her in the midst of her harlotry. Oh, what love is this that would redeem us from the marketplace and that would cover our nakedness? Is He calling today to a wayward people to come to Him before it is too late? Yes indeed. His faithfulness to a stubborn unfaithful people is beyond us. It is too high for us to understand. It is too deep for us to plummet its depths. Yet, there He stands, an open door with open arms. Who will come to, and through this door of hope that appears in the depths of the valley of tears?

Posted in Babylon, bible, Christian, christian blog, christian living, Christianity, Daily devotional, Devotions, Jesus, revival, testimony, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the persectuted church, The presence of God, the remnant, The State of the Chuch and Manifest presence, the state of the church, theology | 4 Comments »