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Archive for November, 2016

The Final Chapter-The failed system of the church.

Posted by appolus on November 26, 2016

This is the final chapter in my book “The Fall of Christendom.”

This final chapter of the book will look at the failed and fatally
flawed system of church that we have labored under for centuries. I
know that this is a controversial subject and I have lost friends over
this but I must speak what the Lord has laid upon my heart. It is
quite an audacious thing to say that the very system that most of
Christendom labors under is un-biblical and flawed but there it is,
that is what I believe.

The mere fact that it has existed in some
form or fashion for countless centuries in no way legitimizes it. If
it did, then the Catholic Church would be the most legitimate
church that we have. It seems plain enough that in Scripture,
Christians met in their homes and their very homes became places
of worship, houses of prayer if you like. The outside world saw life
in these people, saw love in these people and God Himself added
to them daily. Think about all the church programs that are
designed to get new members or to somehow stop the “revolving
door” and keep the folks who come and visit. Yet the early
believers had no such programs.

What led people to the truth was the very life in those who
represented it. A burning love and passion for Jesus. They had no
desire to bring folks to their particular house, or tell people that
they must hear their particular teacher or pastor, no their singular
obsession and passion was for the one who radically transformed
their lives and it was now no longer them that lived but Christ
lived in them. Therefore they were not afraid to die for Jesus, in
fact, the early Church counted it as a great honor and thanked God
that they were counted worthy to suffer for Him. This was the life
of Christ burning in their bones, coursing through their veins, it
completely dominated their whole lives, their life was about His
life in them and this drew others to Jesus. God Himself was given
all the honor and the glory for the drawing of others to Himself as
of course it should be. Consider the words of

The Lord has not called upon us to form churches. That is not
our business. Would to God men had recognized the fact! A very
different situation would obtain today from what exists, if that
had been recognized. It is the Lord Who expands His Church,
Who governs its growth. What we have to do is to live in the place
of His appointment in the power of His resurrection. If, in the
midst of others, the Lord can get but two of His children, in
whom His Life is full and free, to live on the basis of that Life,
and not to seek to gather others to themselves or to get them to
congregate together on the basis of their acceptance of certain
truths or teaching, but simply to witness to what Christ means
and is to them, then He has an open way…. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, End Times Eschatology, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 6 Comments »

An immigrants impression of a troubled America

Posted by appolus on November 16, 2016

As an immigrant to America I have many thoughts about what is going on in the country right now. I hear reports, mostly unsubstantiated, of people being abused because they are different in some way. This does not represent the America I know. It hurts for me to think that the foreign press would pick up on these stories and give the world the wrong impression of American people.

I have traveled a lot and met people from all over the world. I can say from my experience that the American people are the most friendliest and welcoming people in the whole world. They have loons on the far right and the far left just like everyone else but a handful of anecdotal stories in no way represents the heart of America and who they are. Your average American is warm and friendly and generous to all people.

I hear a lot about tolerance, yet the irony is that those who constantly speak of tolerance tend to be the most intolerant people you will ever meet. They are only tolerant to those of a similar view. If they meet someone of the opposite view, watch the venom pour forth. This dividing of the people for political purposes is evil. I think of the 49 people killed in a nightclub recently by a terrorist . That story became a gay story when the real story was that 49 Americans were killed.

Why is it always a gay story or a black story or a white story? In a mad effort to be inclusive, the politicians who push such an agenda have managed to make this country more divided that it has been since the time of the civil rights. By focusing on the rights of a tiny minority of people such as gay people and transgenders (perhaps 3.5% combined) the President( President Obama) has driven a huge wedge between the folks. There is no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

The truth is I can completely disagree with the notion that people are born gay and still be tolerant and inclusive. I can think that there should be stronger border control and not be a racist or a xenophobe. Those who do not allow for this thought are truly the folks who are dividing this country. The true reason for Brexit and the recent election results in America is that regular folk are pushing back against the powers that be, who spend an inordinate amount of time and energy on a tiny minority of people to the exclusion of the majority. And it is not just the exclusion, it’s the demonizing of that mostly silent majority. They are considered to be toothless morons because they disagree on issues of morality and economics.

Where will all this lead? I have no idea. I am cynical of people in general. Our younger generation was supposed to the most inclusive generation ever, yet we see by their reaction to the election that this inclusiveness and tolerance is nothing but a thin veneer. Underneath that thin veneer lies the ugliness that has haunted mankind from the beginning. They hate people they do not know or understand and would like to destroy them.

Outside of Jesus Christ, people, no matter what generation they belong to are as flawed as they have ever been. We live in a modern world surrounded by technology and comfort in the West. Yet we still hate as we have always hated We still divide along lines, does not really matter what the lines are, all that matters to the enemy of our souls is that we do divide and hate one another and seek to destroy one another. The utopian dreamers and liberal thinkers are just as full of hate for those they do not understand and with those with whom they disagree with.

As a young man growing up in poverty in a housing scheme in Scotland, I hated the middle class and the upper class. The region that I came from was known as the “Red Clyde.” The shipyards that dominated my town and many towns in Scotland were full of socialists and Communists. This was my heart as a young man. Come the revolution I would have manned the guillotine and gladly pulled the lever, over and over again. I longed for the revolution.

I finally got my revolution. I personally met the most radical revolutionary ever to walk the earth. I met Jesus. He upended everything I thought I knew. He invaded my very DNA. He took all of the hate and all of the jealousies and all of the insecurities I had and he dismantled them piece by piece often with me kicking and screaming. I learned not to judge ” groups,” but to encounter individuals. I encountered true love and the enormous power of it. I learned that it rested in truth, that truth and love were one and the same thing and If I could learn to speak the truth in love then I could become an agent of incredible change, one person at a time.

And so my appeal today is that we saints on earth be radical lovers who speak the truth without fear or favor, in love. If God so loved the world, and He did, that He sent His only Son to die for that World then we as saints must be radical lovers of every man and every woman no matter their background or how they perceive themselves. The greatest dividers are always those who seek power, no matter if they are wonderful orators or speak brutally and bluntly.

In this time of disunity and hatred and division, let the true lovers of all men and all women step forward as representatives and ambassadors of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Love people as you find them saints and speak the truth in love. The true revolt in men and women is the revolt against the schemes of the enemy. Let us be revolutionaries for the cause of Christ. No man or woman can fill the void that is in the hearts of those on the left or on the right, only in the radical center of God’s will is there wholeness and fullness of Joy as opposed to the schemes of men which is full of bitterness and division.

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, healing ministry, Jesus, news, pentecostal, politics, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 5 Comments »

Healing the broken

Posted by appolus on November 8, 2016

The beauty of the forest
Hides the broken tree
The wonder of your Blood
Covers all of me

The glory of your love
Covers all my sin
It brings a wealth of healing
And beauty deep within

You heal the brokenhearted
And set the captive free
You allowed you’re broken Body
To hang broken on a tree

You’re love is all-consuming
You wipe away all tears
It follows and it leads me
Down through all the years

No matter where I run to
I always find you there
On the highest rugged mountaintop
Or in the valley of despair

You surround me with your beauty
And impenetrable light
You walk with me throughout the day
And every darkened night

Where could I flee from your presence
Over land or hill or sea?
The wonder of our mighty God
Is that He dwells inside of me

Thank-you for your glory
And sharing it with me
You came and touched this captive
And forever set me free

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christian poetry, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, poetry, revival, spiritual poetry, the crucified life, the deeper life, the gospel, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 3 Comments »

The Truth has been exchanged for a lie.

Posted by appolus on November 3, 2016

In these latter days people have exchanged the truth for a lie. To exchange something is a willful act. This is why it is so important that Jesus is the most important thing in our lives. We must prefer God above all things, even our own families and friends. This day is a day of separation.

The prophet once said ” choose ye this day whom you shall serve.” This certainly applies to the times in which we live. Before this is all over there will be no middle ground left to hide in, no shades of grey, only darkness or light, only the sinking sands of the world or the solid rock of Jesus. The times in which we live will expose whether the structure we present to the world has a foundation or whether the winds and the rains will simply sweep it away. God is coming back for a pure and spotless bride and the that bride will be made like the finest of gold by the refining fires of persecution. Who will stand in this evil day?

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | 3 Comments »

The saints are weary!

Posted by appolus on November 3, 2016

Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Daniel speaks of a time when the saints will be worn down. I believe the process of the saints being worn down has already begun. Times have been changed and wrong has become right and truth, at best, is relative. This is wearing the saints out as they struggle to come to terms with these fast changing circumstances. There has been a blitzkrieg so to speak in the realms of the spirit. Compromise and unrighteousness has surrounded the saints. We are an obstacle that at some point will have to be removed if the enemy is to have total dominance. More laws will be changed and we will witness more compromise by Christendom

These are the days where it is vital that we find our strength in Jesus. We must press into Him, we must abide under the shadow of the almighty. It is time to be unashamed of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. Yes you will lose friends, even Christian friends. Co-workers and family will find you unacceptable as they are drawn ever deeper into the sea of compromise and corruption. But listen brothers and sisters, if we lose our saltiness, then what good are we? If we allow the light that is in us to become dim and we cover it, then what is our purpose on earth? If the light in the lighthouse is turned of then what good is the lighthouse, it would be a structure without a purpose and countless people would drown in the storm as they are crushed upon the rocks.

Let us continue to stand upon the solid Rock of Jesus. Let His Truth be the light that shines from our inward man to a dark and dying world. Do not be afraid brothers and sisters of the terrors of the night nor the arrows that fly by day. For we shall call upon the Lord and He will answer us. We shall be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus for the Lord is our hiding place, we continually abide in Him and in Him there is no darkness. Let your light so shine before men and be fierce advocates of the Truth no matter what……bro Frank

Posted in Christian, christian living, Christianity, church of scotland, Daily devotional, Devotions, end times, Jesus, pentecostal, revival, the crucified life, the deeper life, the remnant, the state of the church, theology | Leave a Comment »