A Call To The Remnant

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Shall the wheel keep turning.

Posted by appolus on May 24, 2024

I shall arise and go down to the Potters house. And there I shall hear the word of the Lord. I shall see a work upon the wheel. And the clay is marred in the hand of the Lord. And the wheel keeps turning. Brothers and sisters, have you put yourself upon the potters wheel? Have you put yourself into His hands? As it seems good to the Potter, will you allow yourself to be remade? Can I suggest the obvious? We are the clay, He is the potter and the turning wheel is life with all its circumstances.

Shall we yield to it all? Shall we allow ourselves to be broken to be remade? Or, shall we cry out to God night and day for a change in our circumstances? Shall we demand that the Lord heal us, that He deliver us, that He, in effect, serve us? If we ask for the wheel to stop turning then we shall cease to grow. When the fire comes, and it shall come, what shall we cry out? If we cry out that “even if our God does not deliver us, we shall never bow down to the gods of this world,” then the wheel keeps turning.

When we are faced with great loss and we cry out “The Lord gives and the lord takes away,blessed be the name of the Lord” then the wheel keeps turning. If we find ourselves in the depths of a dungeon with the skin torn from our backs and we begin to praise the Lord in the midnight hour, then the wheel keeps turning. Whatever is upon the wheel shall be either a vessel for honor or a vessel of dishonor. If the wheel stops turning then whatever exists upon the wheel is the finished vessel.

Jesus told us in Luke 14 that unless we love Him more than father or mother, wife and children, brothers ans sisters then we cannot be His disciples. And in Matt 10:38, in the same context as Luke 14 we see that if one refuses to take up his cross, that one “is not worthy of Me.” Is there a line in your sand? Is there a bridge too far? The day will tell that story. For when that day comes, and is surely comes for all who name His name, what cry shall we hear? “Lord please stop the wheel?” Or shall we hear the cry of the disciple “whatever it takes Lord, blessed be Your name.” For one, the wheel stops and for the other, they go on from glory to glory as they glorify Him. The choice belongs to us.

4 Responses to “Shall the wheel keep turning.”

  1. madrekins said

    Beautifully said Brother Frank.

    And coming from someone that is amidst a great storm in their life, and can still sing Praises to the Potter. HalleluYAH!!!

    That is the amazing thing about a stable intimacy with the LORD even through all the pain HE carries us through and continues to give us strength when we need it and other times rest when HE wants us to Rest.

    Because for a servant of the LORD it is hard to rest. But, it is something HE commands us to do.

    The LORDS ways are so much better than ours and full of peace in the midst of the storm.

  2. Anonymous said

    Amen! Well said!

  3. Anonymous said

    hello, I thought to share this: a friend passed this along this morning. I’m not sure who wrote it.
    Kinsugi is a Japanese method for repairing broken pottery. Rather than conceal the lines of a fracture, the potter incorporates the crack into a beautiful new vessel in which all the broken places are visible and lovingly accented in gold. What was broken becomes a glorious work of art that treats the breakage as part of the history of the ressel rather than something to disguise or discard. “Golden joinery,” as kintsugi is called, reflects the artful skill of the potter:
    God does kintsugi on his people all the time. When our lives are shattered by a terrible trial, he puts us back together in a way that does not disguise our injuries but incorporates them into our personal story of redemption. Our lives become richer and more attractive than they were before the trial-it’s what redemption through Christ does. God has no intention of concealing your broken places; he displays his grace through them so others will admire the elegance of his kintsugi in your life. It’s all for his glory and your good.
    God is a masterful potter who enjoys redeeming broken things. And although a painful trial may not hold any promise of good at the time, God pledges to you,
    I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that they will never turn away from me. I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly [create a beautiful kintsugi] with all my heart and soul. (Jeremiah 32:40-41)
    Meditate: Give him the broken pieces of your life.
    He has something beautiful in mind.

    you have been in my prayers,

    • appolus said

      Beautiful. I had a vision many years ago, it was about my own brokenness prior to being born again. The “vase,” had been violently thrown to the ground and shattered into thousand of pieces. Then any of the larger pieces remaining were pucked up and thrown down again. This occurred three times until the original vase was unrecognizable in its ten thousand pieces scattered on thr floor. Then I saw the Lord, with such incredible patience, piece by piece, putting back together that which was thoroughly shattered. Praise the Lord. I wrote a song about it……bro Frank https://youtu.be/vB_4CAK9bb4?feature=shared

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