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Posts Tagged ‘bible’

Love conquers rage and lust.

Posted by appolus on June 4, 2023

Mat 5:28  But I say unto you, That whoever looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. 

God does not give a person a new body when he or she is saved, the body is the same, but a new disposition is given. God alters the mainspring-He puts love in place of lust. (Oswald Chambers)

He alters the mainspring. The mainspring in a clock regulates the workings of it. It’s the central force that propels all of the gears and wheels within the mechanism. God alters the force that drives us. Lust is a powerful force. Rage and anger is a powerful force. Greed and desire is a powerful force. They all rage against the spirit and demand to be heard, demand to be obeyed. It must be satiated. It knows it’s time is short and its moment will pass quickly. Love is sacrificial and is patient and kind and it waits. Lust is self serving and demanding and simply takes what it wants. It is blind to the consequences of its actions. Rage is the same. Adultery and murder, they both take what they want in the heat of the moment and so many times there is a lifetime of reckoning. Esau with his appetites sells his birthright and Jacob waits patiently for seven years for Rachel. 

Love is always the antidote. The sermon on the mount is a breakdown of love and how is actually operates. For God so loved the world……..Jesus being the expression of that love. He loved us when He created us and He created us in His image. We are designed to love as He loves. It break the bonds of murder and lust. It does not rage that it is compelled to carry a load a mile, it carries it two miles. It does not rage that it is assaulted rather it loves the one who assaulted it.  “So that the world will know that You sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” What manner of love is this? God sent His only Son to show us what love looks like. He walked out the sermon on the mount and completed it on Calvary as He cried out “forgive them Father.” Only through Jesus can we know this love. Only through the Holy Spirit can we love as He has loved.

This is our calling brothers and sisters. The Holy Spirit is the mainspring of our lives. It is by His power and  His force alone that we can sail upon the ocean of this life. We can have sails but without the wind of the Spirit where are we going? We would founder and die in the doldrums where there is no wind. In order to wind up the mainspring there has to be a key, Jesus is the key to everything and the Holy Spirit is the power. The word of God alone will not give us the power to walk as we have been taught to walk by Jesus, the word must be combined with the Spirit. Look at the word “word.” Now add an S to it. It becomes “sword.” The S is the Spirit and when we combine it with the Word then we have the power of  the s-word which pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

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